that will help your business grow

IT Consultancy

To us Consultancy is Good Advice

Having spent many years in the IT Industry we feel confident we have the right knowledge to help you move to not only the best solution for your needs, but also to implement one that will be expandable as your business grows.

Beginning with a formal chat to discuss your requirements we normally follow this up with an investigation of your current IT configuration.

Unlike our competitors we're sure that you don't want to be charged for getting a list of your current IT equipment (we're confident that being a small business you already know what hardware and software you use). Using the audit we will be able to see if the old can be built upon – or not.

Having given you our ideas as to the direction in which your IT requirements should progress, you can leave things there or ask us to implement them. At this point Consultancy becomes a Service: Be it Hardware Migration, Network Infrastructure Design, Exchange (e-mail) Migration or just an IT Project Management.

IT Project Management

Three simple words – that encompass such a vast plethora of disciplines. So what can we manage for you?
Well – on our list, at the very minimum, we are capable of overseeing:

  • Hardware Upgrades
  • Hardware Commissioning
  • SAN and NAS Configuring
  • The Installing of New Software
  • Software Upgrades
  • Server Virtualisation

We could go on and on; but if you have an IT project you don't feel confident about handling yourself, why not give us a call. There's a better than average chance we've already managed a project similar to yours.

Exchange Migrations

Microsoft Exchange is a law unto itself! All of it's odd little naunces don't exactly make it the easiest piece of software to manage – let alone upgrade, or migrate to another piece of hardware. Exchange requires a specialist: we have the personnel to help you.

Hardware Migrations

A box change can occasionally be fraught with danger: we do of course concede that most times all one encounters is a minor hiccup. However, with good research and pre-planning any hardware or software upgrade will prove to be a lot smoother. Throw in the vast amount of IT experience we have had implementing both hardware and software migrations, and the chances of you having a problem free migration will improved dramatically. Why risk costly down time?

We should point out here that we not only have experience of migrating from one box (physical Server) to a bigger box (bigger physical Server) but have also implemented Virtual environments, i.e. lots of real Servers being moved onto one big box - at which point they become virtual Servers. If your unfamiliar with virtual environments – and what they could do for you – why not give us a call.

Free Infrastructure Audit

Having carried out a site infrastructure investigation of your company, we feel you should have a written copy of our findings. You may already have something similar that you yourself created – or you may not: either way, as we've put in the time and effort we'll give you a copy of our findings – at no charge.

IT Consultancy